Saturday, December 5, 2009

In the daytime it would have been different; he could have spotted _Selene_ at once by the long shadow she cast across the Sea. But the human eye was not sensitive enough to make this.

For a moment before collapsing to the hall floor. The three of them walked to the door of the suite. One of them tried the knob. "Locked. " "OK. " The third man who hadn't shot yet stood in front of the door leveled his weapon slightly above the knob and pulled both triggers. A jagged hole.
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"Just that first impression?" "I cannot explain it. " "What of the Futars?" "They matched the descriptions. Human in outward appearance but with unmistakable ferocity. Cat family origins I would judge. " "So others have said. " "They speak but it's an abbreviated Galach. Word bursts I thought them. 'When eat?' 'You nice lady. ' 'Want head scratch. ' 'Sit here?' They appeared immediately responsive to the Handlers but not fearful. Between Futars and Handlers I had the impression there was mutual respect and liking. " "Knowing the risks why did you think this important enough to bring immediately?" "These are people from the Scattering. Their offer of alliance is an opening into places where Honored Matres originate. " "You asked about them of course. And.
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